Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Utah County Clerk/Auditor

Jacob Atkin is a CPA with a lot of auditing and management experience, currently employed by UVU. As this job includes being the Elections Officer for the whole county he promises to improve some issues with voting and vote-by-mail. He has the endorsement of State Auditor John Dougall, Representatives Marc Roberts and Jake Anderegg and the Mayor of Provo among others. I was impressed by his taking the initiative to film and post the debates on his website. This is so helpful to letting more people become familiar with the candidates beyond the delegates. I've interacted with his wife over the years in various women's political organizations and have the highest opinion of this family.

Bryan Thompson There is a lot of great information on his website. As the incumbent he responds to some of the criticisms leveled against him in the Top Five Issues section. He took a high-profile stand refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples after Judge Shelby ruled Utah's Amendment 3 unconstitutional. He didn't think it was appropriate to act against the will of the people while the legal decision was still in process. I didn't think to ask Jacob about what he would have done in that situation but have emailed him.

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